10 Tage Freischwimmen 2024



The 6 TAGE FREI productions are selected by an independent board of trustees appointed by RAMPE. In the early summer of 2023, there was an open call to which ensembles, collectives and individual artists from all over Baden-Württemberg could apply - with finished and unfinished works. After receiving around 80 applications, the board of trustees, chaired by Hamzi Ismael, made the decision in autumn 2023 to invite eight productions to the festival.

The Freischwimmen artists were selected by the artistic direction of RAMPE.

Elena Sofie Böhler

Elena Sofie Böhler

Elena Sofie Böhler ist Darstellende Künstlerin im Bereich Figurentheater und Performancekunst mit Schwerpunkt Objekttheater. Seit 2019 studiert sie an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Stuttgart unter der Leitung von Prof. Stephanie Rinke. Elena Sofie Böhlers Bühnensprache beinhaltet sowohl einen hohen physischen Einsatz, als auch eine provokante, konsequente, sowie humorvolle inhaltliche Ebene.

Verena Großkreutz

Verena Großkreutz

Verena Großkreutz is a freelance cultural journalist, music and theatre critic. After graduating from high school, she gained her first theatre experience as an ensemble member in a children's theatre and as an assistant director at the theatres in Mainz and Wiesbaden. She completed her master's degree in German and musicology at the Free University in Berlin, during and after which she worked in theatre, publishing, as a music teacher, accompanist, concert dramaturge, editor and proofreader.

She has lived and worked in Stuttgart since 2001. She writes for the theatre internet portal Nachtkritik.de and the magazine "Theater heute", for the Kontext:Wochenzeitung and the Stuttgarter Zeitung, among others, and has been working as a lecturer in theatre history since 2021.

Çağla Ilk

Çağla Ilk

Çağla Ilk ist Kuratorin und Architektin. Ilk wurde in Istanbul (Türkei) geboren, studierte Architektur an der Technischen Universität Berlin und an der Mimar Sinan Universität Istanbul. Seit 2020 ist sie gemeinsam mit Misal Adnan Yıldız Direktorin der Staatlichen Kunsthalle Baden-Baden. Sie arbeitet in Theorie und Praxis transdisziplinär zwischen bildender Kunst, Architektur, Sound, Theater und Performance. Dabei nutzt sie Dramaturgie als Methode des Kuratierens und integriert transdisziplinäre Ansätze in ihre kuratorische Arbeit. Sie hat zahlreiche Ausstellungen kuratiert, zuletzt war sie Ko-Kuratorin der 6. Ural Biennale in Jekaterinburg (2021) sowie Chefkuratorin von Studio Bosporus (2021), dem bundesweiten interdisziplinären Festival des Auswärtigen Amtes. Von 2012–2020 war Ilk Dramaturgin und Kuratorin am Maxim-Gorki-Theater. Kulturpolitisch war sie als Präsidiumsmitglied der neuen Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK), als Mitglied im Rat für die Künste Berlin und in zahlreichen Jurys der Kulturförderung tätig. Im März 2023 wurde Ilk zur Kuratorin des Deutschen Pavillons der Kunstbiennale in Venedig 2024 berufen.

Maria Rößler

Maria Rößler

Maria Rößler (*1987, GDR) is a freelance dramaturge. She studied theatre and media studies in Berlin and Dublin as well as international dramaturgy in Amsterdam and Ghent. Since 2008, she has worked regularly internationally in the performing arts, with independent theatre makers and for multidisciplinary arts festivals and event organisers such as Vooruit in Ghent and HAU Hebbel am Ufer in Berlin. She has repeatedly accompanied young theatre makers in their graduation projects at the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (AHK).

From 2013 to 2016, she was involved in the programme development and organisation of the Berliner Festspiele's international performing arts festival "Foreign Affairs". Since 2017 she has been a member of the programme group of the Zürcher Theater Spektakel. Under the direction of Chiaki Soma, she co-curated the artistic programme of Theater der Welt 2023 in Frankfurt-Offenbach.

Yahi Nestor Gahe

Yahi Nestor Gahe

Yahi Nestor Gahe (Ivory Coast/Germany) is a dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. He completed his four-year stage dance training from 2007 at the state dance and drama school in Abidjan. From 2013 to 2016, he studied art and cultural management at the University of Strasbourg.

In 2019, he received his diploma in dance education from the Off Theatre Academy Düsseldorf/Neuss. From 2010 to 2013, he was a member of the ensemble of the tri-bühne theatre in Stuttgart and was choreographic director of the mixedability ensemble of the freie bühne stuttgart from 2017-2020. In 2021, Nestor Gahe founded the Abidjan Dance Biennale, which provides a platform for young dancers and choreographers in Côte d'Ivoire and Europe. As a choreographer, he realises his own projects such as Soliloque dansé, L-Movement, Equi Libre and collaborates with artists from all over the world.