Das Drei-Körper-Problem

Story-Werkstatt von Caroline Creutzburg und René Alejandro Huari Mateus

Story workshop for people aged 65 and over by Caroline Creutzburg and René Alejandro Huari Mateus
In this performative story workshop, you and other participants will create the characters and plot for the first episode of a utopian science fiction series that may be released online next year. Together we will immerse ourselves in a fun, imaginative vision of the future and look at interpersonal relationships from a new, creative perspective. We will experiment with imagination exercises and various simple forms of live storytelling. We will create a pleasant atmosphere in which nobody is overwhelmed.
We - that's Caroline Creutzburg and Rene Alejandro Huari Mateus, two theatre makers from Frankfurt who work with alternative and speculative future narratives and have been invited to the festival with their work DIE VIELHUNDERTJÄHRIGEN.
Registration for the event by email to: kontakt@theaterrampe.de
Das Drei-Körper-Problem // Story-Werkstatt von Caroline Creutzburg & René Alejandro Huari Mateus
Datum: Samstag 27.04.2024Uhrzeit: 14:00 UhrOrt: RAMPE Probebühne